
Receptionist Vacancy

The Chipping Surgery is looking for a part time receptionist to work 16 hours per week with our friendly but busy reception team.

Hours required are:

Tuesday 8.00am – 1.30pm

Thursday 8.00am – 1.30pm

Friday 1.30pm – 6.30pm

The post holders must be flexible to cover additional hours for holidays & sickness for your colleagues in the reception, Monday to Friday 7.30 am – 6.30pm.

The posts would be equally suitable for someone with little or no experience at all as full training will be given to any applicants with excellent administrative skills but some knowledge of General Practice and/or our clinical system, TPP SystmOne would be an advantage. 

Please send your C.V. to

Closing date: 10th January 2025

This information is available in alternative formats, for example, large font or online please contact the surgery if this is required.

Please note that should this vacancy attract sufficient interest it may be necessary to close the vacancy at an earlier date. We therefore suggest that you apply at an early stage to avoid disappointment.