The group shall be called the Chipping Surgery Patient Participation Group
- To help provide, maintain and maximise the best possible patient care utilizing the resources of the Chipping Surgery
- To strengthen the relationship between the practice and its patients
- To ensure that patients are at the heart of decision making
- To be a patient voice and promote a patient led culture, in part by conducting patient surveys in a format that will most suit the feedback required
- To identify, and develop with the practice, ways to improve the patient experience,
- To promote better healthcare and treatment, and inform patients about healthcare via notice boards, leaflets, posters, emails, and talks
- To assist in the assessment of community medical needs,
- To ensure that the Group recognises the guidelines and objectives issued from time to time by official organisations such as the NHS etc.
- To support the CQC inspection process
- To assist in production, and circulation of, the practice newsletter
- To represent the patient voice beyond the practice
Membership of the group
Membership of the group shall be open and free to all registered patients over the age of 16 and staff of the practice.
All members must sign a confidentiality agreement with the practice and agree to abide by the PPG ground rules.
Membership of the group:
- shall be terminated in the event of a member ceasing to be a patient of the practice
- may be terminated if a member displays bullying or aggressive behaviour, either towards PPG members or Practice staff, or shares confidential matters and discussions, including commercially sensitive issues, outside the Meetings.
Meetings will take place at least 5 times a year, with meetings usually held every other month on a Monday at 7pm, and will normally be held in the Chipping Surgery.
If both the chair and deputy chair are absent from any meeting of the group, those members present shall nominate another member to act as chair for that meeting.
All matters shall be determined by a majority of those present. In the event of a tied vote the chair shall have a casting vote. Minutes shall be kept of the proceedings of all meetings.
Annual general meeting
An annual general meeting will normally be held in September each year at which the officers of the group shall be elected and a report of the work of the group given.
All patients currently registered as members of the group shall be entitled to one vote. In the event of a tied vote the chair shall have a casting vote.
Organisation of the group
The group’s activities will be organised by a committee of volunteers.
The group shall have the following officers who will be elected:
- Chair
- Deputy chair
Officers must resign annually at the annual general meeting but may offer themselves for re-election.
The role of secretary may be held singly or jointly and will include ensuring minutes of meetings are taken, an agenda is compiled and circulated prior to each meeting, and chasing action points before the next meeting.
Other tasks carried out by the members of the group may include:
- Community events, e.g. talks
- Newsletter – item compilation, production
- Coordination of responses to emailed appeals for information and attendance at events, e.g. Healthwatch
- Attending Stroud PPG cluster meetings
- Maintaining links with the CCG
- Maintaining Links with the surgery (flu clinics, new members, IT)
There should be at least one representative of the practice at each meeting.
Administrative assistance will be provided by staff at the practice.
Alteration of the constitution
This constitution may be altered by a resolution passed at an AGM by a majority of at least two thirds of the members who are present.
Approved on 25th November 2013
Revised 6th September 2016